Flight Cases from Sigma Fabrications

Amp racks-5x2 670

Sigma Fabrications build Sigma Cases.


Delta S31 Case
Delta E8 Case

With 30 years experience in the building of flight cases and a myriad range of other enclosures, we have recently taken a fresh look at the range of cases we offer.  We have now created three classes of case: Alpha, Delta and Omega.

All our cases are built to exacting standards and will protect your valuable equipment, but our new classes are designed to match the case build and features to the application of the case. For example, if you own a new digital mixing console, it may be a house console that needs to be packed up for storage, or moving between locations within your venue. Alternatively, it may spend its life on the road, loading and tipping from trucks and need to be easy to handle.  Or you may require a very rich feature set including extension arms for display monitors, drawers for accessories.

While we could of course simply design and build the case to match your exact requirements, high levels of customisation come at a considerable cost.  We believe a better approach is to offer many of our cases in two or three versions, which will cover the vast majority of customer requirements. All our cases use the same quality timber, hard-wearing laminate and aluminium extrusions. We do not use 'budget' fittings and furniture on any of our cases.

Sigma Alpha Cases

The Alpha class of flight case is our most basic class of case, although the term 'basic' doesn't really do these cases justice! They feature sufficient handles and catches for moderate levels of transportation. The structure of the case is designed for what it carries, but without many 'extra' features.

Sigma Delta Cases

Delta is our standard case for touring. This means it will include an enhanced feature set, depending on what the case houses, such as extra protection, and sufficient handles and catches to make handling, loading and tipping as easy as possible.

Sigma Omega Cases

Omega cases are touring cases with an extended feature set for convenience and smooth operation and they tend to reflect the advanced technologies stored on board. For example, an Omega console case may have drawers or rack bays built in, or it have faciliities to mount monitors, when the console is in use.  

Not all cases are available in all three classes - the decision to design a case for a particular class depends on what we believe customers may need and want, taking into account the equipment that the case will house.  We have worked to ensure that all classes of case are fit for purpose and not over-engineered.  Our new classes should reduce customisation, which can be time consuming and expensive.


In the past, the term 'customisation' has been used very widely, to mean anything from the simply putting your branding onto a case, to the design and build of a completely bespoke case. A range of personalisation features can be incorporated into a new range of cases, but the whole purpose of Alpha, Delta and Omega cases is to avoid customisation - designing and manufacturing features on a one-off basis.  It is still possible to commission a fully customised case for your intended purpose, but this will be carried out by a specialised team within Sigma Fabrications.

Our facility in Redditch in the UK West Midlands is fully equipped with a wood working department including CNC (computer controlled) manufacturing; welding and metal working; paint spraying, plus a clean working area for finishing and QC.

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